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  • C2C Media

C2C and The Gems Song featured on World National Indie Radio (WNIR) 'Spring Up' Special!

Updated: May 20, 2021

Coast 2 Coast Featuring the Fantastic Gems - "What's Going On" (Marvin Gaye) has been added into rotation on World National Indie Radio’s ‘Spring Up!' Radio Special, which airs worldwide in the US, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, the UK and more (19 countries total).

From May 1st - May 15th, tune-in to WNIR's "Spring Up" radio special to hear songs by independent artists from all around the world, in multiple genres, who welcome new beginnings, bring on positive vibes, and pour out soul and energy. Genres include Americana, blues, country, folk, hip hop, pop, indie rock, inspirational, instrumental, R & B, rock, and more.

WNIR's ‘Spring Up' Special will air at 7:00 pm EASTERN TIME daily.

Coast 2 Coast Featuring the Fantastic Gems - "What's Going On" (Marvin Gaye) will remain in daily rotation from May 1st - May 15th and it will play each night in the same order.

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